Monday, December 31, 2012

In-Memory OLTP technology to SQL Server

High transaction throughput is vital in today’s applications. No matter the database product delivered with rich set of features if it unable to handle the high transaction throughput. It seems that MS SQL Server product team has seriously considered this and they have developed in-memory technology to achieve the goal and it will be released with the next major version of SQL Server. The code name of the project is “Hekaton”. Below are some links I found about “Hekaton” and thought of sharing.

Hekaton Breaks Through

How Fast is Project Codenamed “Hekaton” – It’s ‘Wicked Fast’!

SQL Server In-Memory OLTP technology Project “Hekaton” Riles Oracle VP

How to interpret Disk Latency

I was analyzing IO stats in one of our SQL Servers and noticed that IO latency (Read / Write) are very high. As a rule of thumb, we know tha...