Saturday, May 11, 2013

How to get database sizes

There are several ways to get database sizes in a server. Following three system tables has the information to get database sizes.




You also can use following system stored procedure.

exec sp_spaceused

However the easiest way is to use SP_HELPDB system stored procedure. Below script used that SP to get the database sizes in a server.

create table #spdbdesc

dbname sysname,
dbsize nvarchar(13) null,
owner sysname null,
dbid smallint primary key,
created nvarchar(11),
dbdesc nvarchar(600) null,
cmptlevel tinyint

INSERT INTO #spdbdesc

FROM #spdbdesc


  1. Sp_spaceused also includes the log space. Why the log size is important is because it can be even larger than the database itself.
    By Arthur Zubarev

  2. Hi Arthur,
    database size includes both data file size plus log file. even SP_HELPDB gives the same result as SP_SPACEUSED.

  3. Jack Vamvas
    I usually query the sys.master_files . It is also easy to create a report with this view

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